
Budgeting: A Critical Annual Practice for Leaders ( and why you need to embrace it)

Maxine Attong
July 11, 2024

As a leader of finance teams, I have yet to work in an organization where the announcement of the budgeting process is met with enthusiasm. Non-finance leaders often groan at the thought of engaging in this process that typically takes 3-6 months to complete, involving numerous iterations.

Some leaders have remarked to me,

"You already know the figure you want, why don’t you just tell us?" or

"Just give me a total figure and I will use it as I see fit."

These leaders fail to understand that budgeting is not merely a financial exercise; it is a strategic tool that enables leaders to steer their teams towards their goals with precision. They also do not realize that success in the budgeting process contributes significantly to overall organizational success.

For those leaders struggling to grasp the purpose of budgeting, let me share three reasons why it is essential.

Budgeting is strategic

When I facilitate strategic planning workshops, I observe that leaders eagerly dedicate time and resources to create strategic initiatives for the organization. However, they are less willing to create action plans, budgets and timelines for these plans. In fact, they reject the idea of spending one additional day to discuss these critical factors that will see the plans come to fruition. These tasks are left to the project manager and finance leaders. I consider this a missed opportunity.

Budgeting provides a structured framework for aligning financial resources with strategic goals. Annual budgets for key projects need to be part of the strategy discussion to ensure that financial plans support the organization's overarching objectives.

The budget review needs to be aligned to the strategic review so that as  leaders revisit and refine strategies, the same is being done for the budgets.

Few organisation have limitless resources.  Budgeting helps leaders to prioritise the initiatives that will deliver on the promises of the strategic process.

Creating the budgets for the projects often serve as the acid test to consider which projects will be done and the timelines for same.

Budgeting Boosts performance

Non finance leaders also have a fiduciary duty to stakeholders and budgeting helps them to deliver on this.

Budgeting instils financial accountability and discipline as leaders have the responsibility to operate within their allocated budgets and explain any deviations.

It also provides a transparent and identical performance benchmark across the organisation as actual spend is compared to budgeted figures

This comparison shifts the conversation from what was done to how it was achieved and what it cost the organisation to do so. Leaders gain insights into how they are contributing to the organization's financial health and operational efficacy.

Budgeting is not a one time activity; it is an ongoing process of monitoring and adjustment. It enables timely interventions and corrective actions to keep the organization on track.

Budgeting supports culture  

Budgets communicate the organization’s financial priorities and expectations to all stakeholders. It enhances transparency, as everyone understands how resources are being allocated and why certain decisions are being made. This transparency builds trust and ensures that everyone is working towards the same objectives.

Annual budgeting promotes a culture of planning and foresight within the organization. It encourages teams to think ahead, set realistic goals, and devise plans to achieve them.

This forward-thinking mindset is critical to face the inherent risks associated with today’s business landscape. The annual budgeting process allows leaders to identify potential risks and build contingencies into their financial plans. This proactive approach ensures that the organization is better prepared to navigate uncertainties and maintain financial stability.


Budgeting is far more than a mere financial exercise; it is a strategic imperative that underpins successful leadership.

Leaders across the organisation need to be involved in the creation of the budgets and the annual review of same.

In an uncertain world effective budgeting is an essential tool for the leaders’ toolkits to ensure sustained success for their organisations.

What other benefits have you derived from budgeting?

Need help to create your budget. Let’s talk!

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Maxine Attong
Maxine Attong

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